So it was pretty cool how I got to go to a party for work today.
Oh yeah, what was it?
This crazy juggling competition.
Wow. It was good?
Real good. Best part was that they paid me to go. Check it out.
[Shows Roo.]
Wow. Who gave you money?
The people at the event. They said they'd pay me to be there. Gave it to me in this red envelope and everything.
Ferret, that's like bribe.
No way. I didn't promise them anything. They said they'd pay me to come, so I did.
No, that's how it works, you know? They think you will write about them.
No way.
Event #2: 红包回来 (Hongbao Returns)
[on phone]
Yes, I spoke to Oldengib... No, there's no way I can write about it. I'm sorry.
What's going on? Who keeps calling you?
Well, this girl from the juggling contest keeps calling me to ask me if I can put something in the magazine.
The one you went to last week.
Yeah, it was cool. They paid me money to go. Gave it to me in this red envelope.
Oh, I see. You shouldn't have done that. That's the sneaky way they do it here.
Do what?
Give you a bribe.
It's all right. You didn't know. In the future, just remember if someone offers to pay you to come, or slips money in your press packet, don't take it. If we do, then we get calls like this, and get wrapped up in the custom of bribing journalists that they have here.
Event #3: 萄皮男孩子 (A Naughty Boy)
Ferret sits in a cab on his way to watch people pour vodka in new and improved ways. The cab is stuck in traffic, and he feels both tired and frustrated. He's not sure it's possible for anyone to pour vodka in a new or improved way, and even if they could, he thinks it would probably be entirely convoluted in its execution, Rube Goldberg style, or would produce a drink that was so revolting that even the fact it was free would do little to help its reputation. It's been a long day, and the Shanghai craze is getting to him. They are almost at his destination down on the Bund, and the street is packed not only with cars, but scooters, bicycles, men with push carts stacked to at least 3m, and small children weaving in and out of the mess. Seemingly unable to withstand the hubbub, the window next to Ferret shatters.
The cabdriver immediately scrambles out of the cab and runs away. Ferret doesn't know what to do. The driver has left his door open, but that has not prevented cars behind the car from doing their best to edge by. He looks to the sidewalk and sees that his taxi driver has apprehended the cause of the shattering. A little boy about 8 years old with a slingshot. His mother is there now, and she's got a look on her face that says, "It's time to pay."
The driver scrambles back, and settles the bill with Ferret. He walks to the event thinking that today couldn't get anymore surreal than the Chinese reincarnation of Dennis the Menace.
Event #4: Things Get More Surreal than a Chinese Dennis the Menace

Apparently, this is how you sell vodka.
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